
Wine industry help needed

February 7, 2024 10:36 am in by
Image, Facebook/Nicola Centofanti MLC

Riverland based state shadow primary industries Minister, Nicola Centofanti has called for immediate assistance for the Riverland wine grape industry.

While a 10 year Riverland wine industry blueprint was launched late last year, Centofanti says since then no industry engagement had been undertaken.

“While the long-awaited blueprint was welcomed, since the launch there have been crickets from the Malinauskas Labor Government and growers and our region are running out of time,” Dr Centofanti said

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Centofanti also called out the Primary Industries Minister Clare Scriven, saying “I have repeatedly offered up solutions – such as transitioning to new production methods, alternative commodities and improving on-farm water use efficiencies – but the Minister doesn’t appear to be interested in taking real action.”

SA’s wine industry currently faces one it’s most challenging periods, with prices offered for some key varieties said to be well under the cost of production.
